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Step up from the traditional Rimmer with our most popular blend! Our non spicy Bold & Savoury Rimmer contains a variety of course salts, that gives your Caesar a bold punch! With hints of garlic, sea salt & herbs, our Bold & Savoury Rimmer is packed with flavour. Also a great dry rub on a variety of meats, dips, and Stirfry’s!
Makes you lick the glass at the end...yes, it's THAT good!
The best way to add a nice kick to your caesar!!
It's true what they say! I have tried a few different rimmer flavous, and all of them pair great with a caesar in their own way.. even tried them on the BBQ Like they reccommened and it was AWESOME!
So we had the Elixir.. thats only half the battle. The Rimmer can make or break a Caesar, and we have perfectly
bleneded these rimmers with the herbs and spices to make you you never break a Caesar again!